You may take marriage as a contract between two individuals that is prepared by divine god. A couple does not have any pressure to follow the guidelines mentioned in this contract. If the couples follow the guidelines, then they spend happy life, otherwise their life become drastic and sorrowful. This contract does not have any loophole because the almighty god sets it up. A couple should convince themselves to follow some rules for a better life.
These rules maintain the balance in married life. There is no any married couple in the world that is not facing the problems after marriage. Some of them who want to carry their relation long make some sacrifices and rest of them consider divorce as a permanent solution of the problem. They need to know that after divorce problems are not going to end. They have to fight a case to take the children’s custody and many other things that a separated couple faces at every stage of life.
Money is the major consideration for the quarrel among the couples. Money is crucial to run the family smoothly. It is the true companion of unfavorable time. If a family head does not have enough money to fulfill the needs to family members, he or she would be called useless fellow. Money is the biggest relationship issue that most of the couples face after marriage. Weight gain is the common issues that frequently seen in the women after marriage and men are likely to gain weight after divorce. Your over weight can break your relationship. To solve this problem, it is essential that you will join any group that go daily on long walk or you can set time for exercise. After some time you will be fit and fine. Exercise not only boosts up your energy level but also it makes your mood, which is a good element for a good relationship. The first year of marriage passes very hard. The Couple has to settle with lots of new relations and with new responsibilities. The first year draw a map of entire life. In this time, the couple knows about each other. They encounter several related problems that are sorted out with mutual understanding. Theplanning of the baby also takes place in the same year. Several other problems or issues sustain in a new relationship. If the husband and wife will not blame each other for small mistakes, then the problems will not have the space to remain long in the life.
After divorce or death of a life partner, when you get tied in a new relation or second marriage, your life through some challenges on your face. If you have children from your first life partner, then it becomes necessary that you will provide them a better life and your second marriage will not affect their lives. The responsibility of children is the major relationship problem after the second marriage. If your second life partner understands you thoroughly, there is no need to send your children at another place. They can live with you. Another problem is acceptance of society. A couple can have to face problem before the marriage. Intercaste marriage is the vivid relationship problem in the society that can be solved by improving social values and status.